SSS Editor 3.9 - June 2017 Copyright © 2017 libertyernie SSS Editor is a .NET application for managing the Custom SSS code, on its own or within a Brawl or Project M codeset. The program allows modification and reordering of the stage/icon pair definitions, as well as the order and number of icons on the Brawl and Melee screens. You can also preview what the SSS or My Music screens would look like (2nd-5th tabs). To run, the program needs a .txt or .gct file that contains the Custom SSS code, and a common5/sc_selmap/mu_menumain file (which will not be modified.) -------- Changes -------- Changes in 3.9: * BrawlLib has been updated, which might fix some bugs. * The "default" Custom SSS code is now correct. * The software will now look for a LegacyTE or LegacyXP folder (just like it looks for a projectm folder.) Notes: * Internet Explorer 8 or higher is now required. * Three additional libraries are included: Microsoft.AspNet.Razor (part of Microsoft's ASP.NET), RazorEngine (a templating engine built around Razor), and Newtonsoft.Json (a JSON library for communicating with the embedded web browser.) * Although new versions of Microsoft.AspNet.Razor are open source, this one (which runs on .NET 4.0) is not, so check the licensing terms here: -------- Stage Control Guide -------- C | Icon | 0. [ BATTLEFIELD ↓] mmm [X] C | Icon | [PP] [ss] SS II [ii] [↑][↓] BATTLEFIELD The stage to load. You can choose a stage from the dropdown or use the "ss" field (see below) to enter a stage ID in decimal. mmm The song that plays on the stage - only appears if you have a Stage-Dependent Song Loader code for this stage in your codeset. C A color indicating whether your stage will be shown on My Music and/or chosen on random - see below. ## (hex) The item's position in the list you're currently looking at. PP (hex) The position on column of the stage/icon definition. On columns 2 and 3, change this value to determine which stage appears. ss (dec) The stage ID. Editable on column 1. SS (hex) The stage ID. II (hex) The icon ID. ii (dec) The icon ID. Editable on column 1. To change a stage's position in the list, use the up/down buttons on the right. When clicking multiple times, you can click a button once and then press the spacebar repeatedly. -------- Detailed documentation -------- The first column - Stage/Icon Pairs - edits the third part of the Custom SSS code (see below.) Each entry has three elements - the stage, the icon, and its position in the list. * To change the stage, use the drop-down list to select the .pac file to load or use the second number box (the first one represents the index in the column and can only be changed by moving up and down.) * To change the icon/name/stage preview, use the right-hand number box to enter the number of the icon. For example, to show MenSelmapIcon.12, you would enter 12. (Anything besides 01-31 or 50-59 requires the PAT0 entries in your common5 to be correct - the PAT0 key is actually what you're entering here.) * The bar on the left-hand side of the entry shows whether your stage will show up on My Music (green/red) and whether it will be available on random (green/yellow.) This is determined by the stage's position in the list. * If any stages are orange, they might show up on random if certain other stages are chosen. * Note: if you have the "enable random expansion stages" code on, EVERY stage will be selectable on random, regardless of the in-game setting. The second and third columns determine the stage order and number of stages on each page. The maximum number of stages on one page is 39. To change the stage/icon, use the left-hand number box to enter the number that you see in the corresponding box on column 1. IMPORTANT: If you have 39 stages on page 2, one of them should be the stage with the yellow bar! Otherwise, you'll end up with 40 when you go to My Music, and the game will freeze. -------- SSS Preview -------- Tabs 2 through 5 will give you a rough preview of what the SSS looks like. You can't edit the layout from SSS Editor; instead, use BrawlBox to edit the animation MenSelmapPos_TopN__0 (normal) or MenSelmapPos_TopN__1 (My Music), frame (n+2), where "n" is the number of icons on the screen. If you want to look at the My Music layout, you should manually load mu_menumain.pac instead of common5.pac - this is where Brawl reads the My Music data from! -------- Custom SSS code (behind the scenes) -------- The Custom SSS code [Spunit, Phantom Wings] has this format: 046B8F5C 7C802378 046B8F64 7C6300AE 040AF618 5460083C 040AF68C 38840002 040AF6AC 5463083C 040AF6C0 88030001 040AF6E8 3860FFFF 040AF59C 3860000C 060B91C8 00000018 BFA10014 7CDF3378 7CBE2B78 7C7D1B78 2D05FFFF 418A0014 006B929C 000000XX 066B99D8 000000XX -------- -------- (Page 1) 006B92A4 000000YY 066B9A58 000000YY -------- -------- (Page 2) 06407AAC 000000ZZ -------- -------- (Stage/Icon List) XX = # of bytes in Page 1 section YY = # of bytes in Page 2 section ZZ = # of bytes in stage/icon list section The stage/icon list in part 3 of the code takes the format: [stage][icon][stage][icon] [stage][icon][stage][icon] ... where [stage] is the stage ID - the same one used in modifying the .rel files - and icon is the icon number, in hex. The 41st value is reserved for the Menu icon on My Music, so its value doesn't make any difference, but it should be skipped over when adding expansion stages. The page 1 and page 2 sections take the format: [index][index][index][index] [index][index][index][index] ... where [index] is a reference to the stage/icon list below. For example, putting "0C" here would refer to the 13th stage defined in the list (you count from 0, and 0C = 12 in decimal.)